  • 精算科学
  • 生物统计学
  • 密码学
  • 金融分析师
  • 理财规划师
  • 生产管理
  • 质量保证
  • 风险管理及评估
  • 体育统计学家
  • 统计计算 


喜欢与数字和数据打交道. Have an interest in using data for the interpretation of scientific, industrial and social problems. 


A numbers-based curriculum that can be applied in multiple industries. Experience with data and its interpretation. 


  • 精算科学
  • 密码学
  • 理财规划师
  • 风险管理及评估
  • 体育统计学家


The Department of 统计数据 offers a major leading to bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Two undergraduate minors are offered, one in applied statistics and the second in statistics. 研究生 certificates in 统计数据 and Big Data Applied Statistical Analysis are also available.. A mathematics and statistics double major, the pre-actuarial science option and a degree in behavioral statistics are offered at the undergraduate level.

The department provides opportunities to study both applied and theoretical aspects of statistics. Computers are extensively used in statistics instruction, and statistical software packages and programs are utilized in various courses. Data analysis is an important aspect in applied statistics courses.


There are excellent opportunities in statistics. 主要 corporations and most government agencies continually look for talented individuals with this type of education. Since even greater job opportunities are open to those with advanced statistical training, many undergraduates proceed directly to graduate work in statistics. Many students combine statistics with areas such as 业务, education, economics or biology.

职业机会多种多样. 统计学家可以:

  • consult in the design and analysis of clinical studies, evaluating new pharmaceutical agents;
  • design experiments for agricultural, ecological, environmental or energy-related studies;
  • determine mortality, morbidity and accident rates for an insurance company;
  • serve as an opinion pollster for a public relations firm or a television network;
  • develop theories of learning and behavior in conjunction with psychologists;
  • determine optimal combinations and evaluate performance of various chemicals in industrial setups;
  • conduct reliability and quality control studies in various industries; or
  • 计量经济学发展, time series and forecasting models for determining the cause and effects of various socio-economic variables on society.

Statisticians work closely with other scientists and researchers to develop new statistical techniques, 适应现有技术, design experiments and direct analyses of surveys and retrospective studies.

Statisticians are ranked number one in best 阀杆 jobs in 2022 according to U.S. 新闻与世界报道.


The campus has several computer clusters connected to the campus network and the Internet. SAS, SPSS, Minitab, JMP, and R are among the statistical packages available. Computer consultants are available to assist students if programming help is needed.


对于统计学专业的学生来说, 15到18个数学学分, four to seven credits in 计算机科学 and 21 to 27 credits in statistics are required. A minor in one of the following areas is also required: social science, 物理科学, 生物科学, 业务, 数学或计算机科学.

Students interested in biostatistics may minor in 生物科学.

A student interested in 业务 statistics may minor in 业务 administration.


A joint degree with mathematics with a pre-actuarial science option is also available.


The behavioral statistics degree is a joint effort between the Department of 统计数据 and the Department of Psychology. Students wishing to obtain a degree in behavioral statistics should consult with an advisor in both departments. Employment opportunities include working with medical or Medicare data. 研究生s of this program are expected to have good quantitative reasoning skills and strong people skills.


朗达C. 并且其中Ph值.D., 教授, 椅子, 密苏里大学, 1982; Field: Nonparametrics, 受命令限制的推论, 回归

梅根·奥尔博士.D., 副教授, 爱荷华州立大学, 2012; Field: Gene Expression Analysis, 高维数据分析, 多个测试

沈刚博士.D., 副教授, 普渡大学, 2009; Field: Mathematical 统计数据, 渐近理论, 贝叶斯分析, 变点问题

罗纳德·德格斯博士.D., 实践副教授, 乐虎电子, 2011; Field: Survival Analysis, 非参数与回归

Bong-Jin Choi博士.D., 助理教授, 南佛罗里达大学, 2014; Field: Computational 统计数据, 机器学习, 生物统计学, 公共卫生研究, 大数据分析

Mingao元,Ph值.D., 助理教授, 普渡大学, 2018; Field: Network Analysis, 大数据分析, 统计机器学习

安德鲁·莱克斯沃德,m.m.S., 讲师, 乐虎电子, 2016; Field: 生物统计学, Bayesian and Spatial Analyses Applied to Election Forecasting