Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • E-commerce Developer
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Inventory Controller
  • Product Development Specialist
  • Technology Consultant
  • Application Developer
  • UX Researcher
  • Website Content Manager

For individuals who


Looking for

A highly demanded, 具有前瞻性思维的专业,将较强的技术技能与企业管理知识相结合.

To become

  • Website Manager
  • Database Manager
  • Systems Analyst
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Estimator

Background Information

MIS emphasizes the collection, organization, 为计划和控制企业或组织运作而分析和传播信息. 该计划准备毕业生为现在和未来建立信息系统. 学生学习如何处理在计算机科学专业之间建立桥梁的复杂问题, who has a technical orientation, and the managerial individual, who has a functional perspective.

该计划的另一个目标是为学生提供理论知识和实践经验. The program requires a practicum. 实践经验使毕业生能够更快地在任何环境中变得富有成效. Further, 实践经验为高级课程提供了良好的动力和具体的模型. 该课程的毕业生可以在各种各样的环境中找到工作.

The Program

乐虎电子的管理信息系统项目是由工商管理和计算机科学两个不同学科的教师共同努力的. 理学学士学位提供了足够的背景和技能,以支持一个成功的职业生涯在技术计算(e.g., as a programmer, systems analyst, systems designer, etc.), systems or network administration, database administration, information technology management, sales or technical sales support.

Selective Admission

任何被新大录取的学生都可以进入mis前阶段的课程. During the pre-MIS phase, a set of rigorous courses taken in business, 计算机科学和数学的目的是给学生的核心课程适当的背景. 管理信息系统预科专业的学生在完成主修课程入学所需的预科课程后,可以进入主修课程.e., ENGL 120, COMM 110, MATH 144, ECON 201 or ECON 202, 和PSYC 111或SOC 110),并已获得累计GPA至少2.50. 完成适当课程的转学生可以直接进入主修课程. 联系商学院的专业顾问获取更多信息.

Computing Facilities

The computer facilities at NDSU are among the best in the country. 昆汀·伯迪克大楼(QBB)为北达科他州大学系统的11所学院和大学及其48所大学提供学术主机服务器,000 students. Faculty, 教职员工和学生可以使用各种计算系统,从多用户主机系统到微型计算机, all connected on a 100 MB, full-duplex, fiber-optic high-speed campus network, a high-speed statewide network and then onto the Internet. The campus network is the largest network in the state, consisting of over 6,500 data ports in 35 buildings. Wireless access is available in most campus buildings, including residence halls, and in two outdoor green spaces.

开放的微型计算机实验室分布在校园的26栋建筑中. 这些实验室里有495台个人电脑和65台麦金塔电脑,还有打印机和扫描仪. Some of these labs are open 24 hours a day. The computers are equipped with the most commonly used software, e.g., Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCad, SPSS, etc. Students can use these computers as stand-alone workstations, to access host systems, 或通过互联网与世界各地的其他学生和专业人士交流. These labs are open to all students at NDSU. All residence halls are wired to the campus network, 使有电脑的学生可以方便地访问远程信息,以便进行课程作业和各种调查.

In addition to the open access microcomputer labs, 管理信息系统项目和计算机科学系有两个特殊用途的实验室,容纳大约170台计算机,供学生在各自的项目中使用. 这些实验室包括一个计算机结构和网络实验室, and a network and server laboratory.

NDSU已经承担了计算机网络的领导作用,作为六个州联盟的一部分,在上中西部地区建立极高水平的网络,并连接到国家科学基金会超级计算机中心. NDSU是Internet 2的创始成员,并与国家vBNS研究网络相连.

NDSU还设有高性能计算中心(CHPC),提供安全访问, advanced scientific computing resources. CHPC是学术科学计算联盟的成员, 一个由超级计算中心和研究型大学组成的非营利组织,提供领先的硬件, software, and expertise in high performance computing resources.

Career Opportunities

As an MIS specialist, one might choose a job in business, education, research, agriculture, or government. This work may be in areas such as systems analysis, management information processing, database, telecommunications/networks, software systems, simulation models, design and development of new computer systems or management. 美国联邦劳工统计局(Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,在可预见的未来,信息系统领域的工作机会将是一条非常有吸引力的职业道路.

High School Preparation

建议有意在大学阶段学习管理信息系统的高中生尽可能多地学习高中阶段的数学课程. 高中社会科学、英语和沟通方面的选修课也会有帮助. 请向商学院的专业顾问咨询更多信息.