  • 广告设计师
  • Animator
  • Art Director
  • 品牌专家
  • 概念设计师
  • 内容创造者
  • 创意总监
  • Illustrator
  • 动态图形专员
  • 视觉营销


想在创意行业工作, 尤其是平面设计, animation, 用户体验, photography, 教育与工作室艺术.  

Looking for

建立广泛的创造性技能的机会. Real-world opportunities from virtual reality design to running a letter press. 

To become

  • Art Educator
  • 平面设计师
  • Photographer
  • Studio Artist
  • 用户体验/ UI设计师

The Visual Arts Department at 乐虎电子 is part of the School of Design, 建筑与艺术. The Department offers a broad range of degree programs from art emphasis areas in 平面设计, painting, printmaking, ceramics, drawing, sculpture, 摄影与美术教育. It provides a wide range of courses with the philosophy that a strong foundation in the development of creative strategy, 数字素养, 设计能力, critical thinking and art/design historical awareness will prepare our students for the art and design world today.


有一个充满活力的专业和辅修课程, the Visual Arts Department brings together students from every college in the University. 作为主要的职业专业化, 或者作为另一个主要领域的补充, 艺术与设计是最通用的研究领域之一. Housing in one of the finest facilities in the upper Midwest for art and design, the department is home to ten professional artists/designers/scholars who teach every class we offer. 我们只招收本科生, 并且专注于个人注意力, 适度的班级规模和高质量的建议为我们的本科生.


文艺复兴时期的大厅, state-of-the-art facility located in downtown Fargo houses the Department of Visual Arts. 该建筑为平面设计提供了设备齐全的工作室设施, drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, 雕塑和扩展媒体和陶瓷. Our new digital media lab has been equipped with the most current output devices and the program has access to A second digital media studio, LAAVA Lab, 利用包括CNC在内的高科技工具提供了一个设计思维的聚集空间, 3D printing, 3D陶瓷打印, 激光切割和虚拟现实设备. The print shop houses several etching and litho presses as well as facilities for letterpress and silkscreen printing. The ceramic student is well equipped with three gas kilns and a wood burning kiln, 粘土搅拌设备和25个抛轮. 大型雕塑工作室容纳了各种类型的焊工, 等离子切割机和其他金属加工工具, 木工和石雕. A high-tech classroom for art history seats 75 and is also available for smaller classes. The department has its own gallery in the 文艺复兴时期的大厅 and has a partnership with the Memorial Union Gallery on main campus. 各种各样的展览, 包括全国巡回展览, 学生和教师的表演总是可以在校园内外观看. 靠近平原艺术博物馆, 警局和平原警局紧密合作, 提升整个地区的艺术体验.


The teaching community is composed of Department Chair and Director of the School, 迈克尔链, 金布尔布罗姆利, 大卫·斯文森, Meghan Duda, Andrew Stark, Eric Syvertson, Jeff Knight as well as Affiliated faculty members who work directly with out students, Dr. 伊丽莎白·克里斯普·克劳福德(广告), 安东尼·法里斯(画廊总监和Capstone讲师), 阿曼达·海德特(艺术研究员), Aaron Yang, (Ph.D候选人和UX/UI讲师). 我们的教师参与了当地的实践, regional and International levels with the approach that being engaged at a high level in production makes for better instruction. Supporting this community is a professional staff including Administrative Assistant, Kelly Todd和设计技术专家, Ben Bernard. The art faculty prides itself in being very accessible to students at all times for individual consultation and critique.


The Printmaking Education and Research Studio (PEARS) is the research arm of the Department. PEARS has transformed into a community research and printmaking advocacy studio. This program looks for ways to intersect the printmaking process across disciplines within the school and campus. Additionally PEARS serves the Land Grant mission of engagement with communities in a variety of ways through workshops and unique programming. 该项目还提供艺术家驻地, internships and studio rentals to qualified artists and promotes sales and exhibition of artwork produced in the studio.


Art and Design students develop a range of skills from creative strategy to technical proficiency. 这些技能广泛适用于许多不同学科的职业. 潜在的职业包括市场营销, advertising, illustration, 平面设计, 用户体验专员, animation, 艺术营销, 艺术历史学家, 商业摄影, 博物馆及画廊作品, 展览设计, art therapy, 专业工作室艺术家, 市政艺术项目, 艺术批评, 独立美术指导, 工业设计, 艺术媒体研究, 艺术团体, 大学指导和K-12教育.


早期强调与21世纪相关的技术和技能, 所有从视觉艺术专业毕业的学生都有设计背景. 在这个基础上, 学生选择的轨道包括:K-12教育, 平面设计/说明, printmaking, painting, photography, ceramics, 雕塑与绘画. The program offers a highly flexible and personal approach to each student’s development. The middle of the program focuses on developing a portfolio strong enough to apply for the capstone experience which is either a three-credit or six-credit baccalaureate project and thesis exhibition during the senior year. 三学院大学, 包括康考迪亚学院, 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院, Minnesota State University Moorhead and North Dakota State College of Science offers students access to specialized courses not offered in the NDSU art curriculum.


艺术专业的学生有几个学位选择. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is the professional degree requiring 75 hours in art with an emphasis in one or a combination of the following: 平面设计, painting, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, 摄影或绘画.

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Science (BS) requires 57 hours in art with an emphasis in one of the following: 平面设计, illustration, painting, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, 摄影或绘画.

The BA also requires a competency in a foreign language through the intermediate level and the BS degree requires a minor in another discipline.

Art Education is offered as a BS degree in collaboration with the NDSU School of Education. 至少修满120个学分才能毕业.


The multi-million dollar James Falck Endowment for Visual Arts is part of a new suite of scholarships for incoming freshman and existing visual arts majors. 奖学金的颁发是基于学业优秀和作品集审查. For more information contact the NDSU Department of Visual Arts at (701) 231-8818 or email Kelly.Todd@martingana.com.


The art minor is flexible with an emphasis on depth over breadth which serves to “compliment” a students major. This flexibility allows a student to choose a path that suits their educational goals. For instance, a 平面设计 emphasis in a student's minor program would be an ideal compliment to many fields, 包括市场营销, advertising, business, 建筑与工程.